Nig you gay meme

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After a Blizzard staff member threatened to ban Andrews for creating the guild, the company apologized for the administrator’s actions. In January 2006, World of Warcraft player Sara Andrews launched an in-game LGBTQ guild titled “Oz,” which she advertised in the game’s general chat channel. Notable Examples LGBTQ Guild in World of Warcraft Patent and Trademark Office to cancel Vizzini's trademark. On August 22nd, 2013, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) reported that Vizzini had surrendered his trademark after EFF staff and law firm Perkins Coie urged the U.S. In September 2012, Vizzini issued the subreddit a cease and desist letter to change the name of the subreddit. On January 11th, 2011, the /r/gaymers subreddit was launched for discussions regarding the LGBTQ gaming community. In April 2007, founder Chris Vizzini attempted to procure a trademark for the term 'gaymer.' In March 2008, Vizzini obtained the trademark. On June 10th, 2006, Washington D.C.-based LGBT weekly newspaper Washington Blade reported that social scientist Jason Rockwood conducted a survey of gay video gamers titled “Gaymer Survey,” which consisted of 91 questions about gaming habits and sexual identity. On July 27th, 2005, Urban Dictionary user Ueuecoyotl submitted an entry for the term “gaymer,” defining it as “a gay person who is also a gamer.”

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